Mexican Hairless Miniature

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Mexican-Hairless-MiniatureMexican Hairless dogs have existed for thousands of years. They were thought of as healers and would lie next to those with diseases for hours in an attempt to draw the disease from the body. They were also considered protectors and guardians against evil spirits and spirit guides.

Unlike the Standard Mexican Hairless, which was and is primarily used as a watch and guard dog, the Miniature Mexican Hairless is primarily a companion. They enjoy the company of their family, and do their best to be very physically close to their master. They are fine if left alone for a day, but are not the best pet for someone who is gone all the time.

However, Xolos are patient and calm, making them excellent traveling companions. The Xolo does well with children as they are not frightened by noise or sudden movement, and can do well with other animals if socialized to them as pups. Xolos are quite responsive to obedience training. Although the antics of a misbehaving puppy can be amusing, it is necessary to train them, as an untrained Xolo can be destructive.

Mexican Hairless is usually okay in the sun, although if they are to be exposed to sun for an extended period of time sunscreen may be necessary. Xolos can also do okay in colder climates, if common sense is utilized. Mexican Hairless is a good judge of people and rarely bark out of hand. The Mexican Hairless is an interesting animal. The miniature of the breed is quite small, reaching about one foot in height and weighing between eight and 14 pounds.

They are mostly hairless, with a wisp of short, thin hairs on the tail, feet and head. Their skin comes in a variety of colors, including reddish gray, liver, bronze and charcoal, with or without pink or coffee spots. If the dog is spotted sunscreen is essential if it is to be outside for extended periods, as the spots are areas of skin without any pigmentation. Xolos have a broad head and almond shaped, yellow eyes. They have long, erect ears.

Because of its unique body type, the Mexican Hairless requires quite a bit of specific care. They should not be left in either extreme heat or extreme cold for extended periods of time. Cold wind bothers them more than cold temperatures. They should be allowed to play in all temperatures. Don’t be alarmed if a Mexican Hairless trembles-this is natural and not usually caused by the cold. A Xolo that is to be shown needs special care taken to ensure that their ears stand erect.

Mexican-Hairless-Miniature1When the puppy is about three months old, its owner should begin tying its ears. The ears are very delicate, so be careful! They should be tied with masking tape and cotton. The ties should be kept on for about two days, and then taken off to make sure the ears don’t get infected. When the ears are not tied, massage them with your fingers to improve circulation.

The skin of a Mexican Hairless can dry out, which is painful to the animal. To keep this from happening, do not bathe the dog too much. After bathing, apply almond oil to the skin. If the dog is not too dirty, you can apply the oil without bathing him. This will remove some dirt and also, if the dog is scratched or bruised from playing, help the scratches.

Many Xolos do not have a full set of teeth. This can make it difficult to chew large hunks of meat or bones. Xolos should be fed regular dog food and given bones to chew. If they have hardly any teeth at all, they can be fed canned food. They need a balanced diet, without too much meat but enough for protein. They should also get a good supply of calcium to ensure healthy teeth.

Spock The Dog