An Update on Spock, the Dog and the Blog

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Spock, the German Shepherd, the dog that inspired me to start this blog, is now 1 year, 1 month and 15 days old. He turned out to be a beautiful dog, incredibly playful and active, and a barker. He’s also not a small dog anymore.

When I got him he had 7 pounds (3 kg), while at his age he was supposed to weigh 22 pounds (10 kg). Took me a couple of months, but he finally reached a normal weight, and now he looks like any other German Shepherd. The picture below is taken a few months ago, at 7 months I believe.

Spock-7-months-old-pic He’s fed a mix of Acana Puppy Large Breed and rice with a bit of meat added to it. While I know that’s generally recommended that dogs should be fed either one type of food or the other, I’ve found that he eats better this way. Once I’m switching him on dry food for adult dogs I’ll try to take out the rice from his diet.

Where This Blog Is Heading

Now that we’ve got the dog update out of the way, the blog. The plan is to make Spock The Dog into a site where you can find updates on the various types of dog breeds, both pure ones and mixed breeds.

Some other sections of the website that will be added, or exist but need a lot more work:

  • Dog names
  • Dog Gifts, both for the dog and the owner
  • A section with dog wallpapers, with various breeds represented

There is a lot of work to be done, but we’ll get there :). If there is any other type of information  you’d want from this site, let me know in the comments.

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Spock The Dog